Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wonder Woman pilot greenlit by NBC and this is not a good thing

Saw this on iFanboy and about a dozen other sites. The pilot is the brainchild of David E. Kelly of Ally McBeal, Boston Legal and Boston Public fame and greenlit by new NBC president Bob Greenblatt. The reason why I say it isn't a good thing is because of the description of the show from Deadline Hollywood:
"a reinvention of the iconic D.C. comic in which Wonder Woman -- aka Diana Prince -- is a vigilante crime fighter in L.A. but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life."
So in other words, it's going to be Ally McBeal with magical bracelets and a lasso? I'd love to see the Amazon Princess get another TV show, but not if it's going to be total crap, which I think this will be. Five bucks says they cast an actress who bears absolutely no resemblance to Wonder Woman. She'll probably be blonde, skinny with a quirky attitude. If there is a merciful god, he'll kill this thing in the pilot stage.

We're screwed.

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