Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Opinions needed: Which should be the next Nerd Trash header?

It's about time to swap the current one (Andy Griffith wearing pink sunglasses from I think that episode of The Andy Griffith Show where he, Opie, and Aunt Bea go to Hollywood), but I can't decide which to use. Here's the candidates.

As you can see, I have a several variations of this one. The source image is from some pre-Parks and Rec movie Aubrey Plaza did called "The To Do List". I like it because it's a bit risque and daring. I have reservations about it for much the same reason. It might be too risque, even with her hand obscured by the blog's name.

Here's the next option:

I like this because it fits the nerd motif of the blog and is obviously "safer" than the Plaza header. My main problem is that my brain box keeps telling me that I've seen this picture used on another blog before, but I can't recall if I have or where I've seen it. I don't want to copycat someone.

Alternatively, I could revisit an old header:

Both oldies, but goodies. I've always liked them. If I went with these, I'd probably create new versions since they no longer need to be as wide because I finally learned how to center header images. :)

So which one should be Nerd Trash's next header image? Let me know down in the comments.


  1. I like the wizard one. Mostly because of the juxtaposition between him and the computer. And the owl. Bitches love owls.

  2. I vote “top Aubrey Plaza“ because you can’t go wrong with Aubrey!
