Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Talk about a bargain: You can build your very own Death Star for the low, low price of 85 quadrillion dollars

To type that number out, it would be 852,000,000,000,000,000. That is a lot of zeros. Wow. Economic students at Lehigh University came up with that price tag after crunching numbers. It would also require so much iron (to smelt into steel), that you would have to drill down to the Earth's core and extract most of the iron there. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you view it), that would doom the Earth, so it appears that the road to planetary doomsday weapon is for now, cockblocked.

A thought just occurred to me, though: How much does the Second Death Star cost? This is just the price tag for the first one, and the second was much bigger, so it would presumably cost more.

Picture via Wookieepedia. h/t The Nerdist.

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